Spreading a little kindness through Creativity.


Be Creative Be Kind (BCBK) is a project by @hellodomeier with the sole purpose to inspire kindness through creativity. I believe we as people have the power to inspire one another and lift each other up with a simple kindness. Humanity has been feeling so much harsher these days, and I felt the need to do something–anything to share just a little more positivity with people, to spread more love than hate and more compassion than violence the only way I know how.

Out of this need, to spread a bit of kindness to my fellow humans and hopeful inspire the same; BCBK was born and at the heart of this project lies a simple way for me to give a little back in the only way I know how.

Random Acts Of Kindness

We all know what kindness is, we are encouraged from a very young age by our families to be kind as children, to show a simple gesture of goodwill towards someone at any time, anywhere. Things as simple as sharing a toy with a sibling.

As adult it looks more like, holding the door open for someone, letting someone with one or two items go in-front of you at the check out line or handing someone in need a few bucks on the corner. It’s a way for us to connect with and acknowledge one another, even if only for a moment, we have the power to bring brighten someones day with a simple gesture.

Science confirms that we as humans are hard-wired for love and compassion. And I believe as a society we can flourish so much more by embracing and sharing kindness.

The Project

I would like to send you a small token of kindness. I will be creating a few random drawings, paintings, and lettering pieces to snail mail to you personally. Just a way for me to spread a kindness, hopefully put a smile on your face and encourage you to spread the kindness in your own way! Because it's our job as global citizens to lift each other up and be kind to one another.

What will this cost you?

Not a penny. Just a few moments of your time and you're willingness to interact with me a bit through email. That's it!


Simply follow the steps below. I will also need to obtain  a physical address where I can send your hand-crafted creation. I will NEVER share your information with anyone else for any reason. Think of our email exchanges as being protected by a Client - Creator Confidentiality Agreement.

Don't Insist upon kindness from others if you are not willing to be kind yourself.

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